Frequently Asked Questions

What does seaweed add to Maxsea?
Seaweed is nature’s wonder stuff. At Maxsea, we source only the highest-grade seaweed, which boasts more than 60 recognized elements, all known to be beneficial to plants. Maxsea provides the rich elements of seaweed.

How soon will I see noticeable results after using Maxsea?
The nutrients in Maxsea are in concentrated water- soluble form that goes to work immediately. This means you’ll usually see results within a few days.

Is Maxsea an all-organic fertilizer?
Maxsea is a compound-blend fertilizer; natural seaweed, secondaries, trace elements, select organics and traditional plant foods of the highest purity. Maxsea combines the best of nature and technology for the best results. Our blend is designed to deliver the best formula for plants across the board.

Organic fertilizers can be foul smelling. What about Maxsea?
Maxsea contains no offensive fish emulsions or manures, nor does it have a harsh chemical odor. You’ll only detect the fresh, clean aroma of the sea, so our product is a pleasure to use indoors and outdoors.

Can you use Maxsea in hydroponics systems?
Definitely. Hydroponics growers find Maxsea to be extraordinarily effective, easy-to-use and an economical choice for any soiless system. It supplies everything needed for optimum plant production and is pH perfect.

Is Maxsea safe for use on carnivorous plants?
Very few fertilizers are suitable for use on carnivores. Maxsea is the exception and is favored by carnivore growers worldwide. Here are the recommendations from California Carnivores (the largest collection of carnivorous plants in North America). "Most fertilizers are too strong and may severely damage carnivores. We have found Maxsea to be the most gentle and effective. Maxsea may be used from seedlings to mature specimens on almost all carnivorous plants. We lightly sprinkle the foliage of our carnivores once a month with a solution of ¼ teaspoon of Maxsea diluted in one gallon of water. Apply to the leaves only, do not pour through the soil. For pitcher plants, simply pour a small amount into the pitcher. You can use Maxsea on Nepenthes, Drosera, Venus Flytraps, Sarracenia, Darlintonia, Heliamphora, Cephalotus and Drosophyllum. Use caution and lower concentrations when fertilizing more finicky South African sundews like Drosera regia, glabripes and slackii."

What is foliar feeding?
Foliar feeding means applying a diluted liquid fertilizer solution directly on the plant’s foliage where it is readily absorbed. This method should be practiced in the early morning or late afternoon when the pores of the leaves are most likely to be open, never during the heat of the day.

Can Maxsea be used with hose-end applicators, injectors and drip systems?
Yes. Instructions and application rates are on every label. We recommend making a concentrated solution and straining it through a fine sieve. Hose-end sprayers that have a siphon action and adjustable application rates are preferable to dry applicators.

Why do some Maxsea containers have extra headroom?
Maxsea is sold by weight, not volume, and each formula has a different bulk density, hence different fill levels. Containers always are filled to the weight specified on the label.

After storing Maxsea in my greenhouse, the product became damp. Is it still OK to use?
Yes. Maxsea is water-soluble and will readily absorb moisture. In moist or humid conditions, the product may become damp. This does not affect Maxsea’s effectiveness or ability to dissolve in water.

Can you combine different formulas?
Yes. Equal parts of All Purpose and Bloom products will approximate a 10-20-20 formula, which is a favorite with prize-winning rose growers and our favorite for mid-season use in the home garden. This combination is also widely used as a transition formula as annual plants cycle from vegetative to flowering. Be sure to start with the All Purpose formula and bring the Bloom in later in the season after plants have started budding. To promote flowering in acid loving plants, start with the Acid base and then add the Bloom formula, again after plants have started budding. We recommend 1 tablespoon of each in a 2-gallon can of water, but you don’t have to be especially exacting.

What formula should I use to perk up ailing plants?
Maxsea Acid 14-18-14, regardless of the plant’s pH preference. This is an excellent formula to give ailing plants a boost as well as correct and prevent chlorosis (yellow foliage), a common problem in ornamental citrus, gardenias and many other plants.

Is Maxsea a green company?
Our company was founded on green principles, to repurpose waste bark into orchid growing media. Today, we continue to embrace green technology in the way we run our company and how we manufacture and package Maxsea. We’ve been going green for over 40 years.

Where can I access Maxsea SDS sheets?
All SDS sheets can be found here.